Friday, November 10, 2006

The Unpardonable Sin (Part 5)

Four weeks ago I began to share my thoughts with you on “The Unpardonable Sin”; this week’s posting is the fifth and final part. It is my hope that these words have given some comfort, and inspiration, to those who have chosen to separate themselves from their brethren. They are not lost to us forever!

The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

Some believe that in the parable of the separation of the sheep from the goats, while the sheep are to inherit the kingdom, the goats are to be sent away into eternal punishment. You should read and study the entire parable recorded at Matthew 25:31-46. Keep in mind that it is recorded as a parable (i.e. it is a riddle -- a puzzle)!

Did you notice what appears to be the eventual fate of “the goats” that were placed “...on the left hand”? It says in Matthew 25:46 “And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” I have heard this passage used to support the belief that those who are not “the sheep who inherit the kingdom” will be cast into the lake of fire; punished (or destroyed) for eternity (i.e. eternal punishment).

If we are to believe that “the goats on the left hand” are those of our brethren who have “fallen away” then we must also believe they are destined for the lake of fire! If the Word of God is to remain inviolate, and if the Word of God tells us they are lost to us forever, then we must accept what is the very will of God. But what is the truth; and what is the will of God? John 3:17 “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.” And in Matthew 18:14 “Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that [even] one of these little ones should perish.”

There are many of us who appreciate with incredible excitement and wonder the words “Come, you blessed of Our Father, inherit the kingdom…” Because of this, and for those of us who feel a deep concern for those of our brethren who may one day be “left out,” I recommend taking a much closer look at this entire parable.

Matthew 25:31-33 “When the Son of Man [returns] in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.”

Note: These initial verses of the parable tell us “it is the nations of the world” which will be brought before the returned Messiah. The “nations” will be separated as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats! It should also be remembered that in the beginning of the Millennium Jesus is to rule over “the descendants of national Israel.” From this humble beginning all knowledge will flow outward to the other nations and peoples of the world.

Matthew 25:34 “Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world…”

Note: At this point, “The King” appears to be speaking to individuals: those he refers to as the “blessed of His Father” and they are to “inherit the kingdom.”

The verses from 35 to 46 describe those who had lived a temporal life filled with works of righteousness as opposed to those who did not. It will be the righteous who inherit the kingdom while the unrighteous will be cast off into eternal punishment -- but what of our brethren; those who were once with us and who have now fallen away: are they the “goats of the left hand”? [It is vitally important that you read each and every one of these verses from Matthew 25:34-46 before continuing!]

Did they who were once with us never feed those who were hungry; did they not give drink to those who did thirst; were they never kind to a stranger; did they not give of themselves and their possessions to those who were needy; did they not visit the sick or those who were in prison? God forbid that such a thought should ever enter our hearts or our minds -- some of them had a zeal for God that would make many of us today feel shame for our comparative indifference!

The two deacons mentioned earlier were among the most zealous of our brethren. When it came to the needs of the Church, the ministers, the brethren, or the strangers that were in our midst, there was no one who cared more for those needs. They who were once among the forerunners in the race for salvation and reward cannot be mistaken for those who are described as the “goats of the left hand.” They may have forfeited their reward; but I cannot in all good conscience believe they would ever forfeit “or reject” the gift of the Spirit of God!

Matthew 25:46 “And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

Note: This final verse of the parable seems to leave no room for doubt that the “goats of the left hand” are to “…go away into everlasting punishment.” However, we need to continually remind ourselves that “this is a parable!” It is a riddle -- a puzzle! What we need to determine is whether or not there may be a more perfect understanding than that which immediately comes to mind. Remember the biblical admonition often used in situations such as this: “He, who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

Whenever I come across a verse or a passage that doesn’t seem to fit into the context of the message being presented, I usually begin my study with a much closer look at each word as it was originally inspired to be written. In Matthew 25:46 the word “these” seems to point to “the goats on the left hand”; but instead of “these” this word could have been translated “he” or “this man.” In fact, it could have been translated into several other words all meaning “one or more individuals” without specifying anything or anyone in particular.

Those who consider themselves students of the Bible will recall the Old Testament reference to “one specific goat” that is fated to “go away into everlasting punishment.” If you are unaware of the rites which governed the Old Testament Day of Atonement, you would be wise to carefully study the entire chapter of Leviticus 16.

Each of us understands God’s mysteries according to that which the Spirit of God allows us to understand. I believe that the Levitical rites previously carried out on the Day of Atonement show that the goat sacrificed for the people can be none other than Jesus Christ our Redeemer -- He alone is our Passover, sacrificed that we may one day live again. The goat that is led off into the wilderness can be none other than Satan the Devil; and upon his head will eventually be placed the sins of mankind!

Following the removal of Satan, the ascension of Jesus to His throne will finally take place. Those who are referred to in Scripture as the “Saints” of God will at last find themselves at one with the Almighty and Everlasting God; from that time forward they will truly be known as the children of God. Those individuals who have overcome the world and have somehow managed to “endure unto the end” will be invited to: “Inherit the Kingdom, prepared for [them] from the foundation of the world!”

Those who for whatever reason “failed to endure” will be asked to stand aside until such time as they can show they have overcome the faults which led to their falling away. For some this may mean the entirety of the 1,000 year reign of their brethren. They will have lost the reward that once was so important to them; but their destiny as the children of God for the remainder of eternity will draw them on towards perfection. They will not be lost to us forever!

Just a few additional thoughts and comments:

It has taken a great deal of study, meditation, prayer, and “soul-searching” in order to arrive at the conclusions put forward in this work. Next week, and over the weeks that follow, I hope to discuss additional portions of these studies and the conclusions leading to what I have come to accept as a more perfect truth.

Q…Is that which I have come to understand the perfect truth of God? God forgive me for even asking such a question! In this life I am not yet perfect; as such, I readily admit that my understanding is not yet perfect. But this fact is exactly why I take such great pains to ask, and try to answer, the many questions that enter my mind!

I believe that Jesus will return on a day prophesied by the Feast of Trumpets; this will be several years before the setting up of God’s Kingdom! He will immediately set out to gather together those of His brethren who are still alive and scattered throughout the world. He will begin to prepare them for the work and positions they will assume when the time of their 1,000 year reign begins.

I believe that the first half of the final prophetic week of Daniel’s “Seventy Week Prophecy” was fulfilled almost two-thousand years ago when for three-and-a-half years Jesus ministered to His disciples. The final half of that week (i.e. the final three-and-a-half years) must still be completed; and I believe it shall be completed when our Savior returns to prepare His brethren for the positions and responsibilities they are to be given during their millennial reign!

During the first two of the final three-and-a-half years, many who have lived and died since the time of Christ’s ministry (and who are to be given positions of authority in the Kingdom) will be resurrected to physical life, to take part in their preparation.

During the third year, those whom we consider to be the prophets, patriarchs, and saints of the Old Testament will also be resurrected to physical life. It is my belief that most of these individuals will have learned far more of spiritual value in their lives than we have in ours; but they will still have much to learn, if only to understand what has been happening with mankind during the time they waited in their graves. As such, many of them may need no more than a few months orientation to prepare them for the Kingdom.

Q…Can this be an answer to my long-time question of the passage which says: “But many who are first will be last and the last first”?

It should also be remembered that since there is no other name than Jesus whereby we may be saved, those who lived and died before His ministry will know nothing about Him or His teachings other than through prophecy.

Some time after the physical resurrection of “the dead in Christ” (but during the third of the final three-and-a-half years) the time for the incarceration of Satan will arrive. With the removal of Satan as the ruler of this world, the way will be cleared for the anointing of Jesus as King of kings -- but not yet for the beginning of His reign!

We must remember that whereas the return of our Saviour is foretold by the annual holy day of the Feast of Trumpets; the time for the removal of Satan is foretold by the Day of Atonement; and the day that foretells the beginning of the 1,000 year reign of Jesus and His brethren is the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles are three separate and distinct festivals which I believe are prophetic of three separate and distinct events yet to be fulfilled!

I realize that our ministers teach the return of the Messiah, the incarceration of Satan, and the beginning of the Millennium will all take place at the sounding of “the last trump”! But to believe that all three of these momentous events, prophesied by three separate and distinct holy days will all take place at one and the same time, on one and the same day, seems ludicrous to me; and inconsistent with the scriptural sequence of the fall holy days.

Note: It fills me with great trepidation to finally be putting many of these thoughts before my brethren; and yet I also find myself experiencing an element of profound relief. I hope and pray that my words have given offence to no one; and that I have in no way placed a stumbling block before anyone who cannot surmount it. Nevertheless, in order to complete this work I must ask just one more question.

Q…How clearly have we been given to understand the following passage? Psalms 110:1 “The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”

It is my belief that the wrath of Almighty God (i.e. God the Father) must be poured out upon the inhabitants of the Earth before the 1,000 year reign of Jesus and His brethren can begin; this should take slightly more than one full year to complete! From the time of the removal of Satan (as foretold by the Day of Atonement) until the setting up of the Kingdom of God under the rulership of Jesus and His brethren (as foretold by the Feast of Tabernacles), God the Father will prepare the way for them by carrying out what the Bible refers to as the time of “The Wrath of God.”

Note: Next week I hope to discuss one of the many possible reasons for the dissolution of the Worldwide Church of God. If we are to believe that only God could have allowed this to happen, we need to ask ourselves: “Why God Scattered His Church?”


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