List of the 40 Weekly Messages
In January of this year I delved into my studies of “The Original Passover” hoping to have a paper ready for this year’s Passover season. It was my hope that by clarifying each of the many events surrounding that important and fascinating time we could gain a more perfect overall understanding of our more modern Passover observances. As I worked with the information available to me I became more and more confused; after almost six weeks I had to admit defeat and cancelled (postponed) the project.
From my failure with “The Original Passover” I came to realize that during this past year my own personal studies had not progressed as they should. My ability to keep up with the teaching of the various Church websites had suffered; and there is at least one more blogsite I would like to study far more carefully. In short, as much as I have enjoyed being able to share my thoughts and understanding in weekly messages to this blogsite, I must take a break at least until after this upcoming summer or fall.
Listed below are the titles of each of the forty weekly “A Whisper Amid the Shouting” messages published on the blogsite to this point in time. Over the next few months I intend to read, study, and edit each and every one of them; and as is my habit I shall attempt to work with each subject as if approaching it for the very first time.
It is my hope and my prayer that some of you will also do this very same thing; in fact, I invite you to help me with any part of my understanding you believe to be in error. If you can state your initial comments as briefly as possible I shall try to understand what you’re referring to and will respond.
If what you have to say points me towards a more perfect understanding then perhaps we can initiate a more personal correspondence. All I ask is that you do as much as you can by yourself before making contact. Study all that I’ve written on the subject, search the Scriptures whether these things are (or are not) so, support your thoughts with as much Scripture as possible, then by all means contact me as a brother (or sister) and know that you will be made welcome.
There is another list, one which at the moment is little more than a series of thoughts and ideas. These thoughts need to be more thoroughly researched and studied before I can even consider publishing them to the blogsite. I doubt that any of you can understand how difficult it was for me to publish anything. The possibility that I might be guilty of disseminating error, even if no deceit was involved, absolutely terrified me. The thought that I might inadvertently place a stumbling-block before any of my brethren, a hurdle they may be unable to surmount, is something I cannot bear to consider.
If I can use the next few months wisely and well I may even be able to catch up on my reading; not only of the books and articles I’ve been putting aside, but also the Church websites and any new material they may have to offer. How I wish they would move away from the serving of warm milk and soft bread to the brethren, there is so much meat on our Father’s table; I feel sure He wants us to not only partake of it but to share, and to enjoy, and to be more fully and perfectly satisfied!
Forty Whispers Amid the Shouting: ( be found in the Archives.)
01) A New Look at True Faith August 22, 2006
02) The Church of God Brethren August 29, 2006
03) Three Days and Three Nights September 1, 2006
04) Vinegar Mingled with Gall September 8, 2006
05) By Water and by Blood September 15, 2006
06) The Angels that Sinned September 22, 2006
07) Words of the Prophet September 29, 2006
08) The Scattered “church” of God October 6, 2006
09) The Unpardonable Sin -- Part 1 October 13, 2006
10) The Unpardonable Sin -- Part 2 October 20, 2006
11) The Unpardonable Sin -- Part 3 October 27, 2006
12) The Unpardonable Sin -- Part 4 November 3, 2006
13) The Unpardonable Sin -- Part 5 November 10, 2006
14) Why God Scattered His Church November 17, 2006
15) Openly Teaching Error November 24, 2006
16) For the Way of Peace December 1, 2006
17) That Man of Sin Revealed December 8, 2006
18) The Incarceration of Satan December 15, 2006
19) The Three Wise Men -- Part 1 December 22, 2006
20) The Three Wise Men -- Part 2 December 29, 2006
21) Daniel’s Seventy-Week Prophecy January 5, 2007
22) And the Dry Land Appeared January 12, 2007
23) Turning Water into Wine January 19, 2007
24) Bits and Pieces January 26, 2007
25) Shearing the Sheep -- Part 1 February 2, 2007
26) Shearing the Sheep -- Part 2 February 9, 2007
27) The Thief on the Cross February 16, 2007
28) Opening the Sixth Seal February 23, 2007
29) The Lord’s Anointed March 2, 2007
30) Bits and Pieces -- 2 March 9, 2007
31) Clear Proofs of Muhammad March 16, 2007
32) Spirit and Power of Elijah -- Part 1 March 23, 2007
33) Spirit and Power of Elijah -- Part 2 March 30, 2007
34) When We Die April 6, 2007
35) My Name is Legion -- Part 1 April 13, 2007
36) My Name is Legion -- Part 2 April 20, 2007
37) My Name is Legion -- Part 3 April 27, 2007
38) Bits and Pieces -- 3 May 4, 2007
39) Religious Confusion -- Part 1 May 11, 2007
40) Religious Confusion -- Part 2 May 18, 2007
May God our Heavenly Father bless each and every one of you and keep you safe until the gathering of our brethren by His Son Jesus our Saviour, our brother, and soon to be our King. Always remember he was raised from the dead to be the first-born of many brethren. Yearn for the day when he shall call you with the words: “Come, you blessed of our Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”
I h ave enjoyed your posts...I noticed that in 2007, you "disappeared." Hope this somehow reaches you, to let you know that I have learned so much from your writing, and have taught it to my children, as well.
Thank you.
while the wicked are in power, the righteous are in hiding...
in every country, u.s.a. very much, the wicked are and have been in power for decades - perhaps centuries....
shabbat shalom
jeff elohim in oklahoma
(soon, very soon, those who obey Yhvh's Word and His Commanded Shabbat
will be more aggressively than ever before put to death or silenced or further oppressed in the u.s.a. and around the world) the wicked will (apparently) go rewarded and unpunished.
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